What is 'landing page conversion rate'?

‘Landing page conversion rate’ refers to the % conversion rate of a landing page in terms of the number of conversions that occur via this page vs. the number of unique views of a landing page.


This data tells you how likely a visitor is to perform an action on the site as a result of visiting a particular page. This can be a great way to understand which pages on your site are working well, and which pages might need some work.


We can express this metric as a formula in the following way:

Landing page conversion rate = number of conversions ÷ number of visitors to the page

Why is 'conversion rate' important?

When managing a website it’s important to understand the differing performance of all of your landing pages. Once you have an understanding of how each of your key pages are performing, then you can start to think about how to improve the pages themselves or the user journeys that you promote. The first step in understanding webpage performance is to calculate landing page conversion rate.

Without an idea of your benchmark conversion rate, or the differences between different page types or templates, it can be near impossible to improve your site and gain more conversions.

Sometimes a high or low conversion rate can tell you a lot about the website experience your customers are having, and can be the first step towards acquiring more leads or sales.

How to calculate your landing page conversion rate

If you are doing some marketing, or you own a website, it’s essential to understand how different landing pages are performing on your site. This can help you to understand which landing page is the best destination for a piece of marketing, or help you to identify pages that need improvements.


To calculate landing page conversion rate, you need data on your landing pages, and you need a simple calculation.


The same calculation can be used to calculate eCommerce conversion rate, sales conversion rate and lead conversion rate. It’s the same formula, but just uses a different dataset.


For example, to calculate website conversion rate, you just need to know the total number of ‘sessions’ (visits) to your website and the total number of conversions that your website generates.


If you have Google Analytics setup on your site then you can use Google Analytics to find out how many visits (‘sessions’) started on a particular landing page, or alternatively how many times that page was viewed by different users across the site.


As well as knowing the total number of users that viewed a page, you will need some conversion data to measure the effectiveness of that page at driving conversions. On a small site, you might be able to use number of leads or total website sales, but on larger sites it often pays to have some good measurement in place and to use goal conversion tracking in Google Analytics, which may also require you to setup some event tracking for Google Analytics.

What's a 'good' landing page conversion rate?

Conversion rates vary wildly between different types of conversions and different webpages, and websites.


Conversion rates can be impacted by a variety of factors such as the user experience (UX) of a page, your brand, but also the type of traffic your website is getting. For example, someone searching for your brand in Google is more likely to deliver a conversion than someone who has clicked on a display banner advert. 


It’s important to understand the context of your conversion rates so that you can address any issues with landing page performance that might be as a result of content, audience, or traffic source or device.


There are lots of methods you can use to increase conversion rates, for example by improving your marketing efforts and by employing conversion optimisation tactics to reduce friction and increase the happiness of your website visitors.

Landing Page Conversion Rate Calculator

Try our handy landing page conversion rate calculator to calculate conversion rate based on volume of conversions and volume of unique views.

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